This was written internally at Etsy. I was encouraged to post on my own personal blog so people could share. These are my opinions, and not “Etsy official” in any way.
Motivation for writing this
For the past 5 months, I have been the tech lead on the Search Experience team at Etsy. Our engineering manager had a good philosophy for splitting work between managers and tech leads. The engineering manager is responsible for getting a project to the point where an engineer starts working on it. The tech lead makes sure everything happens after that. Accordingly, this is intended to document the mindset that helps drive “everything after that.”
Having a tech lead has helped our team work smoothly. We’ve generated sizable Gross Merchandise Sales (GMS) wins. We release our projects on a predictable schedule, with little drama. I’ve seen this structure succeed in the past, both at Etsy and at previous companies.
You can learn how to be a tech lead. You can be good at it. Somebody should do it. It might as well be you. This advice sounds a little strange since:
- It’s a role at many companies, but not always an official title
- Not every team has them
- The work is hard, and can be unrecognized
- You don’t need to be considered a tech lead to do anything this document recommends
But teams run more efficiently and spread knowledge more quickly when there is a single person setting the technical direction of a team.
Who is this meant for?
An engineer who is leading a project of 2-7 people, either officially or unofficially. This isn’t meant for larger teams, or leading a team of teams. In my experience, 8-10 people is an inflection point where communication overhead explodes. At this point, more time needs to be spent on process and organization.
What’s the mindset of a tech lead?
This is a series of principles that led to good results for Search Experience, or are necessary to do the job. I’m documenting what works well in my experience.
More responsibility → Less time writing code
When I was fresh out of college, I worked at a computer vision research lab. I thought the most important thing was to write lots of code. This worked well. My boss was happy, and I was slowly given more responsibility. But then the recession hit military subcontractors, and the company went under. Life comes at you fast!
So I joined BigCo, and started at the bottom of the totem pole again. I focused on writing a lot of code, and learned to do it on large teams. This worked well. I slowly gained responsibility, and was finally given the task of running a small project. Until this point, I had been successful by focusing on writing lots of code. So I was going to write lots of code, right?
Wrong. After 2 weeks, my manager pulled me aside, and said, “Nobody on your team has anything to do because you haven’t organized the backlog of tasks in three days. Why were you coding all morning? You need to make sure your team is running smoothly before you do anything else.”
Okay, point taken.
So I made daily calendar reminders to focus on doing this extra prep work for the team. When I did this work, we moved faster as a three person unit. But I could see on my code stats where I started focusing more on the team. There was a noticeable dip. And I felt guilty, even when I expected this! Commits and lines of code are very easy ways to measure productivity, but when you’re a tech lead, your first priority is the team’s holistic productivity. And you just need to fight the guilt. You’ll still experience it. You just need to recognize the feeling and work through it.
Help others first
It sounds nice to say that you should unblock your team before moving yourself forward, but what does this mean in practice?
First, if you have work, but someone needs your help, then you should help them first. As a senior engineer, your time is leveraged–spending 30 minutes of your time may save days of someone else’s. Those numbers sound skewed, but this is the same principle behind the idea that bugs get dramatically more expensive to fix the later they are discovered. It’s cheaper to do things than redo things. You get a chance to save your teammates from having to rediscover things that are already known, or spare them from writing something that’s already written. Some exploration is good. But there’s always a threshold, and you should encourage teammates to set deadlines based on the task. When they pass it, asking for help is the best move. This could also help with catching bugs that will become push problems or production problems before they are even written.
Same for code reviews. If you have technical work to do, but you have a code review waiting, you should do the code review first. Waiting on someone to review your code is brutal, especially if the reviewing round-trip is really long. If you sit on it, the engineer will context switch to a new task. It’s best to do reviews when their memory of the code is fresh. They’re going to have faster and better answers to your questions, and will be able to quickly tweak their pull request to be submission-ready.
It’s also important to encourage large changes to be split into multiple pull requests. When discussing projects up-front, make sure to recommend how to split it up. For instance, “The first one will add the API, the second one will send the data to the client, and the third one will use the data to render the new component.” This allows you to examine each change in detail, without needing to spend hours reviewing and re-reviewing an enormous pull request. If you believe a change is too risky to submit all at once because it’s so large that you can’t understand all of its consequences, it’s OK to request that it be split up. You should be confident that changes won’t take down the site.
Even with this attitude, you won’t review all pull requests quickly. It’s impossible. For instance, most of my team isn’t in my timezone. I get reviews outside of work hours, and I don’t hop on my computer to review them until I get into work at the crack of 10.
I personally view code reviews and questions as interruptible. If I have a code review from our team, I will stop what I am doing and review it. This is not for everybody, because it’s yet another interruption type, and honestly, it’s exhausting to be interrupted all day. Dealing with interruptions has gotten easier for me over time, but I’ve gotten feedback from several people that it hasn’t for them. You will never be good at it. I’m not. It’s impossible. You will just become better at managing your time out of pure necessity.
Much of your time will be spent helping junior engineers
A prototypical senior engineer is self-directed. You can throw them an unbounded problem, and they will organize. They have an instinct for when they need to build consensus. They break down technical work into chunks, and figure out what questions need to be answered. They will rarely surprise you in a negative way.
However, not everybody is a senior engineer. Your team will have a mix of junior and senior engineers. That’s good! Junior engineers are an investment, and every senior engineer is in that position because people invested in them. There’s no magical algorithm that dictates how to split time between engineers on your team. But I’ve noticed that the more junior a person is, the more time I spend with them.
There’s a corollary here. Make sure that new engineers are aware that they have this option. Make it clear that it is normal to contact you, and that there is no penalty for doing so. I remember being scared to ask senior engineers questions when I was a junior engineer, so I always try hard to be friendly when they ask their first few questions. Go over in-person if they are at the office, and make sure that their question has been fully answered. Check in on them if they disappear for a day or two. Draw a picture of what you’re talking about, and offer them the paper after you’re done talking.
The buck stops here
My manager once told me that leaders take responsibility for problems that don’t have a clear owner. In my experience, this means that you become responsible for lots of unsexy, and often thankless, work to move the team forward.
The question, “What are things that should be easy, but are hard?”, is a good heuristic for where to spend time. For instance, when Search Experience was a new team, rolling out new features was painful. We never tire-kicked features the same way, we didn’t know what groups we should test with, we’d (unpleasantly) surprise our data scientist, and sometimes we’d forget to enable stuff for employees when testing. So I wrote a document that explained, step-by-step, how we should guide features from conception to A/B testing to the decision to launch them or disable them. Then our data scientist added tons of information about when to involve her during this process. And now rolling out features is much easier, because we have a playbook for what to do.
This can be confusing with an engineering manager and/or product manager in the picture, since they should also be default-responsible for making sure things get done. But this isn’t as much of a problem as it sounds. Imagine a pop fly in baseball, where a ball falls between three people. It’s bad if everyone stands still and watches it hit the ground. It’s better if all of you run into each other trying to catch it (since the odds of catching it are better than nobody trying). It’s best if the three of you have a system for dealing with unexpected issues. Regular 1:1s and status updates are a great way to address this, especially in the beginning.
Being an ally
Read Toria Gibbs’ and Ian Malpass’ great post, “Being an Effective Ally to Women and Non-Binary People“, and take it to heart. You’re default-responsible for engineering on your team. And that means it’s up to you to make sure that all of your team members, including those from underrepresented groups, have an ally in you.
“What does being a tech lead have to do with being an ally?” is a fair question.
First, you are the point person within your team. You will be involved in most or all technical discussions, and you will be driving many of them. Make sure members of underrepresented groups have an opportunity to speak. If they haven’t gotten the chance yet, ask them questions like, “Are we missing any options?” or “You’ve done a lot of work on X, how do you think we should approach this?”. If you are reiterating someone’s point, always credit them: “I agree with Alice that X is the right way to go.”
You will also be the point person for external teams. Use that opportunity to amplify underrepresented groups by highlighting their work. If your time is taken up by tech leading, then other people are doing most of the coding on the team. When you give code pointers, mention who wrote it. If someone else has a stronger understanding of a part of the code, defer technical discussions to them, or include them in the conversation. Make sure the right names end up in visible places! For instance, Etsy’s A/B testing framework shows the name of the person who created the experiment. So I always encourage our engineers to make their own experiments, allowing the names to be visible to all of our resident A/B test snoopers (there are dozens of us). If someone contributes to a design, list them as co-authors. You never know how long a document will live.
Take advantage of the role for spreading knowledge
When a team has a tech lead, they end up acting as a central hub of activity. They’ll talk about designs and review code for each of the projects on the team.
If you read all the code your team sends out in pull requests, you will learn at an accelerated rate. You will quickly develop a deep understanding of your team’s codebase. You will see techniques that work. You can ask questions about things that are unclear. If you are also doing code reviews outside of your team, you will learn about new technologies, libraries, and techniques from other developers. This enables you to more effectively support your team with what you have learned from across the company.

In this small team, Alice is the tech lead, and Bob is working directly with Carol. All other projects are 1 person efforts. Alice is in a position where she can learn quickly from all engineers, and spread information through the team.
Since you are in this position, you are able to quickly define and spread best practices through the team. A good resource that offers some suggestions for code reviews is this presentation by former Etsy employee Amy Ciavolino. It is a good team-oriented style. Feel free to adapt parts to your own style. If you’ve worked with me, you’ll notice this sometimes differs from what I do. For instance, if I have “What do you think?” feedback, I prefer to have in-person/Slack/Vidyo conversations. This often ends in brainstorming, and creating a third approach that’s better than what either of us envisioned. But this presentation is a great start, and a strong guideline.
Day-to-day work
As I mentioned above, much of the work of a tech lead is interrupt-driven. This is good for the team, but it adds challenges to scheduling your own time. On a light day, I’ll spend maybe an hour doing tech lead work. But on a heavy day, I’ll get about an hour of time that’s not eaten up by interruptions.
Accordingly, it’s difficult to estimate what day you will finish something. I worked out a system with our engineering manager that worked well. I only took on projects that were either small, non-blocking, or didn’t have a deadline. This is going to work well with teams trying to have a minimal amount of process. This will be a major adjustment on teams that are hyper-organized with estimation.
You need to fight the guilt that comes with this. Your job isn’t to crank out the most code. Your job is to make the people on your team look good. If something important needs to be done, and you don’t have time to do it, you should delegate it. This will help the whole team move forward.
When I’m deciding what to do, I do things in roughly this priority:
Inner loop:
- Answer any Slack pings
- Help anybody who needs it in my team’s channel
- Do any pending code reviews
- Make sure everybody on the team has enough work for the rest of the week
- Do any process / organizational work
- Project work
Once a day:
- Check performance graphs. Investigate (or delegate) major regressions to things it looks like we might have affected.
- Check all A/B experiments. For new experiments, look for bucketing errors, performance problems (or unexpected gains, which are more likely to be bugs), etc.
Once a week:
- Look through the bug backlog, make sure a major bug isn’t slipping through the cracks.
What this means for engineering managers
Many teams don’t have tech leads, but every team needs tech leadership in order to effectively function. This is a call-to-action for engineering managers to examine the dynamics of their teams. Who on your team is performing this work? Are they being rewarded for it? In particular, look for members of underrepresented groups, who may be penalized for writing less code due to unconscious bias.
Imagine a team of engineers. The duties listed above are probably in one of these categories:
A designated tech lead handles the work. If your team falls into this category, then great! Make sure that the engineer or engineers performing these these duties are recognized.
Someone’s taking responsibility for it, on top of their existing work. This can be a blessing or a curse for engineers, based on how the engineering manager perceives leadership work. It’s possible that their work is appreciated. But it’s also possible that people are only witnessing their coding output drop, without recognizing the work to move the team forward. If you’re on a team where #2 is mostly true (tech lead is not formalized, and some engineer is taking responsibility for moving the team forward, at the expense of their own IC work), ask yourself this: are they being judged just for the work they do? Or are they being rewarded for all the transitive work that they enable?
A few people do them, but they often get neglected. Work still gets done in this category, but there are systematic blockers. If nobody owns code reviews, it will take a long time for code to be reviewed. If nobody owns code quality, your codebase will become a swiss cheese of undeleted, broken flags.
Nobody is taking responsibility for them. In this category, some things just won’t get done at all. For instance, if nobody is default-responsible for being an ally for underrepresented groups, then it’s likely that this will just be dropped on the floor. This kind of thing is fractal: if we drop the ball on the group level, we’ve dropped the ball on both the individual, and company-wide, levels.
In conclusion
There is value in having a designated tech lead for your team. They will create and promote best practices, be a point-person within your team, and remove engineering roadblocks. Also, this work is likely already being done by somebody, so it’s important to officially recognize people that are taking this responsibility.
There is also lots of value in officially taking on this role. It allows you to leverage your time to move the organization forward, and enables you to influence engineering throughout the entire team.
If you’re taking on this work, and you’re not officially a tech lead, you should talk with your manager about it. If you’d like to move towards becoming a tech lead, talk to your manager (or tech lead, if you have one!) about any responsibilities you can take on.
Thanks to Katie Sylor-Miller, Rachana Kumar, and Toria Gibbs for providing great feedback on drafts of this, and to everyone who proofread my writing.